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Časopis Biologia[IF: 1,500]
2025    2024    2023    2022    2021    2020    2019    2018    2017    2016    2015    
  • Barak, I.
    Bacillus subtilis as a Model Organism to Study Basic Cell Processes.
    (2021) Microorganisms 9: 2459
  • Bauer, J., Žoldák, G.
    Interpretation of Single-Molecule Force Experiments on Proteins Using Normal Mode Analysis.
    (2021) Nanomaterials 11: 2795
  • Bodik, M., Krajcikova, D., Hagara, J., Majkova, E., Barak, I., Siffalovic, P.
    Diffraction pattern of Bacillus subtilis CotY spore coat protein 2D crystals.
    (2021) Colloid Surf. B-Biointerfaces 197: 111425
  • Bugarova, V., Godocikova, J., Bucekova, M., Brodschneider, R., Majtan, J.
    Effects of the Carbohydrate Sources Nectar, Sucrose and Invert Sugar on Antibacterial Activity of Honey and Bee-Processed Syrups.
    (2021) Antibiotics-Basel 10: 985
  • Csolleiova, D., Knirschova, R., Rezuchova, B., Homerova, D., Sevcikova, B., Matulova, M., Nunez, L.E., Novakova, R., Feckova, L., Javorova, R., Cortes , J., Kormanec, J.
    An efficient system for stable markerless integration of large biosynthetic gene clusters into Streptomyces chromosomes.
    (2021) Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 105: 2123-2137
  • Danko, M., Mosnackova, K., Vykydalová, A., Kleinova, A., Puskarova, A., Pangallo, D., Bujdos, M., Mosnacek, J.
    Properties and Degradation Performances of Biodegradable Poly (lactic acid)/Poly (3-hydroxybutyrate) Blends and Keratin Composites.
    (2021) Polymers 13: 2693
  • Farkas, B., Bujdos, M., Polak, F., Matulova, M., Cesnek, M., Duborska, E., Zverina, O., Kim, H., Danko, M., Kisova, Z., Matus, P., Urik, M.
    Bioleaching of Manganese Oxides at Different Oxidation States by Filamentous Fungus Aspergillus niger.
    (2021) J. Fungi 7: 808
  • Farkas, B., Vojtkova, H., Bujdos, M., Kolencik, M., Sebesta, M., Matulova, M., Duborska, E., Danko, M., Kim, H., Kucova, K., Kisova, Z., Matus, P., Urik, M.
    Fungal Mobilization of Selenium in the Presence of Hausmannite and Ferric Oxyhydroxides.
    (2021) J. Fungi 7: 810
  • Frankovsky, J., Keresztesova, B., Bellova, J., Kunova, N., Canigova, N., Hanakova, K., Bauer, J., Ondrovicova, G., Lukacova, V., Sivakova, B., Zdrahal, Z., Pevala, V., Prochazkova, K., Nosek, J., Kutejova, E. et al.
    The yeast mitochondrial succinylome: Implications for regulation of mitochondrial nucleoids.
    (2021) J. Biol. Chem. 297(4): 101155
  • Hadzega, D., Minarik, G., Karaba, M., Kalavska, K., Benca, J., Ciernikova, S., Sedlackova, T., Nemcova, P., Bohac, M., Pindak, D., Klucar, L., Mego, M.
    Uncovering Microbial Composition in Human Breast Cancer Primary Tumour Tissue Using Transcriptomic RNA-seq.
    (2021) Int J Mol Sci 22: 9058
  • Halgasova, N., Krajcikova, D., Kraus, D., Bukovska, G.
    The helicase core accessory regions of the phage BFK20 DnaB-like helicase gp43 significantly affect its activity, oligomeric state and DNA binding properties.
    (2021) Virology 558: 96-109
  • Han, H., Round, E., Schubert, R., Gul, Y., Makroczyova, J., Meza, D., Heuser, P., Aepfelbacher, M., Barak, I., Betzel, C., Fromme, P., Kursula, I., Nissen, P., Tereschenko, E., Schulz, J. et al.
    The XBI BioLab for life science experiments at the European XFEL.
    (2021) J. Appl. Crystallogr. 54: 7-21
  • Havalova, H., Ondrovicova, G., Keresztesova, B., Bauer, J., Pevala, V., Kutejova, E., Kunova, N.
    Mitochondrial HSP70 Chaperone System - The Influence of Post-Translational Modifications and Involvement in Human Diseases.
    (2021) Int J Mol Sci 22(15): 8077
  • Hric, I., Ugrayova, S., Penesova, A., Radikova, Z., Kubanova, L., Sardzikova, S., Baranovicova, E., Klucar, L., Beke, G., Grendar, M., Kolisek, M., Soltys, K., Bielik, V.
    The Efficacy of Short-Term Weight Loss Programs and Consumption of Natural Probiotic Bryndza Cheese on Gut Microbiota Composition in Women.
    (2021) Nutrients 13: 1753
  • Janickova, Z., Janecek, S.
    In silico analysis of fungal and chloride-dependent alpha-amylases within the family GH13 with identification of possible secondary surface-binding sites.
    (2021) Molecules 26: 5704
  • Kapustova, M., Granata, G., Napoli, E., Puskarova, A., Buckova, M., Pangallo, D., Geraci, C.
    Nanoencapsulated Essential Oils with Enhanced Antifungal Activity for Potential Application on Agri-Food, Material and Environmental Fields.
    (2021) Antibiotics-Basel 10: 31
  • Kapustova, M., Puskarova, A., Buckova, M., Granata, G., Napoli, E., Annusova, A., Mesarosova, M., Kozics, K., Pangallo, D., Geraci, C.
    Biofilm inhibition by biocompatible poly(?-caprolactone) nanocapsules loaded with essential oils and their cyto/genotoxicity to human keratinocyte cell line.
    (2021) Int. J. Pharm. 606: 120846
  • Kisova, Z., Pavlovic, J., Sefcikova, L., Buckova, M., Puskarova, A., Krakova, L., Opalkova Siskova, A., Kleinova, A., Machatova, Z., Pangallo, D.
    Removal of overpainting from an historical painting of the XVIII Century: a yeast enzymatic approach.
    (2021) J Biotechnol 335: 55-64
  • Kotrasova, V., Keresztesova, B., Ondrovicova, G., Bauer, J., Havalova, H., Pevala, V., Kutejova, E., Kunova, N.
    Mitochondrial Kinases and the Role of Mitochondrial Protein Phosphorylation in Health and Disease.
    (2021) LIFE-BASEL 11: 82
  • Krajcikova, D., Bugarova, V., Barak, I.
    Interactions of Bacillus subtilis Basement Spore Coat Layer Proteins.
    (2021) Microorganisms 9: 285
  • Labajova, N., Baranova, N., Jurasek, M., Vacha, R., Loose, M., Barak, I.
    Cardiolipin-Containing Lipid Membranes Attract the Bacterial Cell Division Protein DivIVA.
    (2021) Int J Mol Sci 22: 8350
  • Laho, M., Sediva, M., Majtan, J., Klaudiny, J.
    Fructose and trehalose selectively enhance in vitro sporulation of Paenibacillus larvae ERIC I and ERIC II strains.
    (2021) Microorganisms 9: 225
  • Lazzarotto, F., Koprovski Menguer, P., Del Bem, L.E., Zamocky, M., Margis-Pinheiro, M.
    Ascorbate Peroxidase Neofunctionalization at the Origin of APX-R and APX-L: Evidence from Basal Archaeplastida.
    (2021) Antioxidants 10: 597
  • Leitner, J., Mahasongkram, K., Schatzlmaier, P., Pfisterer, K., Leksa, V., Pata, S., Kasinrerk, W., Stockinger, H., Steinberger, P.
    Differentiation and activation of human CD4 T cells is associated with a gradual loss of myelin and lymphocyte protein.
    (2021) Eur. J. Immunol. 51(4): 848-863
  • Majtan, J., Bucekova, M., Jesenak, M.
    Natural Products and Skin Diseases.
    (2021) Molecules 26: 4489
  • Majtan, J., Bucekova, M., Kafantaris, I., Szweda, P., Hammer, K., Mossialos, D.
    Honey antibacterial activity: A neglected aspect of honey quality assurance as functional food.
    (2021) Trends Food Sci. Technol. 118: 870-886
  • Majtanova, N., Kriskova, P., Keri, P., Fellner, Z., Majtan, J., Kolar, P.
    Herpes Simplex Keratitis in Patients with SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Series of Five Cases.
    (2021) Med. Lith. 57: 412
  • Marecek, F., Moeller, M.S., Svensson, B., Janecek, S.
    A putative novel starch-binding domain revealed by in silico analysis of the N-terminal domain in bacterial amylomaltases from the family GH77.
    (2021) 3 Biotech 11: 229
  • Marvasi, M., Pangallo, D., Cavalieri, D., Poyatos-Jimenez, F.
    Editorial: Multi-Omics Revolution in Microbial Cultural Heritage Conservation.
    (2021) Front Microbiol 12: 720509
  • Novakova, S., Danchenko, M., Okajcekova, T., Baranovicova, E., Kovac, A., Grendar, M., Beke, G., Palesova, J., Strnadel, J., Janickova, M., Halasova, E., Skovierova, H.
    Comparative Proteomic and Metabolomic Analysis of Human Osteoblasts, Differentiated from Dental Pulp Stem Cells, Hinted Crucial Signaling Pathways Promoting Osteogenesis.
    (2021) Int J Mol Sci 22: 7908
  • Novakova, R., Ruckert, C., Knirschova, R., Feckova, L., Busche, T., Csolleiova, D., Homerova, D., Rezuchova, B., Javorova, R., Sevcikova, B., Kalinowski, J., Kormanec, J.
    The linear plasmid pSA3239 is essential for the replication of the Streptomyces lavendulae subsp. lavendulae CCM 3239 chromosome.
    (2021) Res. Microbiol. 172: 103870
  • Opalkova Siskova, A., Buckova, M., Kronekova, Z., Kleinova, A., Nagy, S., Rydz, J., Opalek, A., Slavikova, M., Eckstein Andicsova, A.
    The Drug-Loaded Electrospun Poly(?-Caprolactone) Mats for Therapeutic Application.
    (2021) Nanomaterials 11: 922
  • Opalkova Siskova, A., Mosnackova, K., Hruza, J., Frajova, J., Opalek, A., Buckova, M., Kozics, K., Peer, P., Eckstein Andicsova, A.
    Electrospun Poly(ethylene Terephthalate)/Silk Fibroin Composite for Filtration Application.
    (2021) Polymers 13: 2499
  • Pavlovic, J., Cavalieri, D., Mastromei, G., Pangallo, D., Perito, B., Marvasi, M.
    MinION technology for microbiome sequencing applications for the conservation of cultural heritage.
    (2021) Microbiol. Res. 247: 126727
  • Pecina, P., Vidlicka, L., Majtan, J., Purkart, A., Prokop, P.
    Why do zombies clean themselves? An initial test of the antimicrobial hypothesis in a parasite-host relationship.
    (2021) Biologia 76: 2303-2307
  • Plany, M., Pinzari, F., Soltys, K., Krakova, L., Cornish, L., Pangallo, D., Jungblut, A.D., Little, B.
    Fungal-induced atmospheric iron corrosion in an indoor environment.
    (2021) Int. Biodeterior. Biodegrad. 159: 105204
  • Schiano, I., Raco, S., Cestone, E., Jesenak, M., Rennerova, Z., Majtan, J.
    Pleuran - beta-glucan from oyster culinary-medicinal mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus (Agaricomycetes) soothes and improves skin parameters.
    (2021) Int. J. Med. Mushrooms 23: 75-83
  • Sevcikova, B., Rezuchova, B., Mazurakova, V., Homerova, D., Novakova, R., Feckova, L., Kormanec, J.
    Cross-recognition of promoters by the nine SigB homologues present in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2).
    (2021) Int J Mol Sci 22: 7849
  • Sidari, R., Zenisova, K., Tobolkova, B., Belajova, E., Cabicarova, T., Buckova, M., Puskarova, A., Plany, M., Kuchta, T., Pangallo, D.
    Wine Yeasts Selection: Laboratory Characterization and Protocol Review.
    (2021) Microorganisms 9: 2223
  • Simonovicova, A., Vojtkova, H., Nosalj, S., Pieckova, E., Svehlakova, H., Krakova, L., Drahovska, H., Stalmachova, B., Kucova, K., Pangallo, D.
    Aspergillus niger Environmental Isolates and Their Specific Diversity Through Metabolite Profiling.
    (2021) Front Microbiol 12: 658010
  • Trenz, T.S., Delaix, C.L., Turchetto-Zolet, A.C., Zamocky, M., Lazzarotto, F., Margis-Pinheiro, M.
    Going Forward and Back: The Complex Evolutionary History of GPx.
    (2021) Biology-Basel 10: 1165
  • Urban, J., Suchankova, M., Ganovska, M., Leksa, V., Sandor, F., Tedlova, E., Konig, B., Bucova, M.
    The Role of CX3CL1 and ADAM17 in Pathogenesis of Diffuse Parenchymal Lung Diseases.
    (2021) Diagnostics 11(6): 1074
  • Urbanikova, L.
    CE16 acetylesterases: in silico analysis, catalytic machinery prediction and comparison with related SGNH hydrolases.
    (2021) 3 Biotech 11: 84
  • Zain, G., Buckova, M., Mosnackova, K., Dohanosova, J., Opalkova Siskova, A., Micusik, M., Kleinova, A., Matus, P., Mosnacek, J.
    Antibacterial cotton fabric prepared by surface-initiated photochemically induced atom transfer radical polymerization of 2-(dimethylamino) ethyl methacrylate with subsequent quaternization.
    (2021) Polym. Chem. 12: 7073-7084
  • Zenisova, K., Cabicarova, T., Sidari, R., Kolek, E., Pangallo, D., Szemes, T., Kuchta, T.
    Effects of co-fermentation with Lachancea thermotolerans or Metschnikowia pulcherrima on concentration of aroma compounds in Pinot Blanc wine.
    (2021) J. Food Nutr. Res 60: 87-91