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Časopis Biologia[IF: 1,500]
2025    2024    2023    2022    2021    2020    2019    2018    2017    2016    2015    
  • Baliova, M., Jursky, F.
    Comparison of SynCAM1/CADM1 PDZ interactions with MUPP1 using mammalian and bacterial pull-down systems.
    (2020) Brain Behav. 10: e01587
  • Baliova, M., Jursky, F.
    Phosphomimetic Mutation of Glycine Transporter GlyT1 C-Terminal PDZ Binding Motif Inhibits its Interactions with PSD95.
    (2020) J. Mol. Neurosci. 70: 488-493
  • Baliova, M., Jursky, F.
    Phosphorylation of Serine 157 Protects the Rat Glycine Transporter GlyT2 from Calpain Cleavage.
    (2020) J. Mol. Neurosci. 70: 1216-1224
  • Bauer, J., Borko, L., Pavlovič, J., Kutejova, E., Bauerova-Hlinkova, V.
    Disease-Associated Mutations Alter the Dynamic Motion of the N-terminal Domain of the Human Cardiac Ryanodine Receptor.
    (2020) J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. 38: 1054-1070
  • Bauerova-Hlinkova, V., Hajdúchová, D., Bauer, J.
    Structure and function of the human ryanodine receptors and their association with myopathies-present state, challenges, and perspectives.
    (2020) Molecules 25: 4040
  • Bertelli, M., Kiani, A.K., Paolacci, S., Manara, E., Kurti, D., Dhuli, K., Bushati, V., Miertus, J., Pangallo, D., Baglivo, M., Beccari, T., Michelini, S.
    Hydroxytyrosol: A natural compound with promising pharmacological activities.
    (2020) J Biotechnol 309: 29-33
  • Bohmer, M., Smolak, D., Zenisova, K., Caplova, Z., Pangallo, D., Puskarova, A., Buckova, M., Cabicarova, T., Budis, J., Soltys, K., Rusnakova, D., Kuchta, T., Szemes, T.
    Comparison of microbial diversity during two different wine fermentation processes.
    (2020) FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 367: fnaa150
  • Bucekova, M., Bugarova, V., Godocikova, J., Majtan, J.
    Demanding new honey qualitative standard based on antibacterial activity.
    (2020) Foods 9: 1263
  • Chovanova, K., Bohmer, M., Poljovka, A., Budis, J., Harichova, J., Szemes, T., Zamocky, M.
    Parallel molecular evolution of catalases and superoxide dismutases - focus on thermophilic fungal genomes.
    (2020) Antioxidants 9: 1047
  • Farkasovsky, M.
    Septin architecture and function in budding yeast.
    (2020) Biol. Chem. 401: 903-919
  • Gabrisko, M.
    The in silico characterization of neutral alpha-glucosidase C (GANC) and its evolution from GANAB.
    (2020) Gene 726: 144192
  • Gacek-Matthews, A., Chromikova, Z., Sulyok , M., Lücking, G., Barak, I., Ehling-Schulz, M.
    Beyond Toxin Transport: Novel Role of ABC Transporter for Enzymatic Machinery of Cereulide NRPS Assembly Line.
    (2020) Mbio 11(5): e01577
  • Godocikova, J., Bugarova, V., Cast, C., Majtan, V., Majtan, J.
    Antibacterial potential of Swiss honeys and characterisation of their bee-derived bioactive compounds.
    (2020) J. Sci. Food Agric. 100: 335-342
  • Gulshan Ara, K.Z., Manberger, A., Gabrisko, M., Linares-Pasten, J.A., Jasilionis, A., Fridjonsson, O.H., Hreggvidsson, G.O., Janecek, S., Nordberg Karlsson, E.
    Characterization and diversity of the complete set of GH family 3 enzymes from Rhodothermus marinus DSM 4253.
    (2020) Sci Rep 10: 1329
  • Janecek, S., Martinovicova, M.
    New groups of protein homologues in the alpha-amylase family GH57 closely related to alpha-glucan branching enzymes and 4-alpha-glucanotransferases.
    (2020) Genetica 148: 77-86
  • Janecek, S., Zamocka, B.
    A new GH13 subfamily represented by the alpha-amylase from the halophilic archaeon Haloarcula hispanica.
    (2020) Extremophiles 24: 207-217
  • Janickova, Z., Janecek, S.
    Fungal alpha-amylases from three GH13 subfamilies: their sequence-structural features and evolutionary relationships.
    (2020) Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 159: 763-772
  • Kerenyiova, L., Janecek, S.
    Extension of the taxonomic coverage of the family GH126 outside Firmicutes and in silico characterization of its non-catalytic terminal domains.
    (2020) 3 Biotech 10: 420
  • Kerenyiova, L., Janecek, S.
    A detailed in silico analysis of the amylolytic family GH126 and its possible relatedness to family GH76.
    (2020) Carbohydr. Res. 494: 108082
  • Kisova, Z., Soltysova, A., Buckova, M., Beke, G., Puskarova, A., Pangallo, D.
    Studying the Gene Expression of Penicillium rubens Under the Effect of Eight Essential Oils.
    (2020) Antibiotics-Basel 9: 343
  • Kisova, Z., Plany, M., Pavlovic, J., Buckova, M., Puskarova, A., Krakova, L., Kapustova, M., Pangallo, D., Soltys, K.
    Biodeteriogens Characterization and Molecular Analyses of Diverse Funeral Accessories from XVII Century.
    (2020) Appl. Sci.-Basel 10: 5451
  • Kityk, A.A., Pavlik, V., Boca, M., Pangallo, D., Kapustova, M., Halahovets, Y.
    Electrochemical Surface Treatment to Enhance Corrosion Resistance and Bioresistance of Medical-Grade Stainless Steels.
    (2020) J. Mater. Eng. Perform. 29: 5985-5994
  • Kormanec, J., Novakova, R., Csolleiova, D., Feckova, L., Rezuchova, B., Sevcikova, B., Homerova, D.
    The antitumor antibiotic mithramycin: new advanced approaches in modification and production.
    (2020) Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 104: 7701-7721
  • Kubinec, R., Blasko, J., Galbava, P., Jurdakova, H., Sadecka, J., Pangallo, D., Buckova, M., Puskarova, A.
    The antifungal activity of vapour phase of odourless thymol derivate.
    (2020) PeerJ 8: e9601
  • Lichvarikova, A., Szemes, T., Slobodnikova, L., Bukovska, G., Turna, J., Drahovska, H.
    Characterization of Clinical and Carrier Streptococcus agalactiae and Prophage Contribution to the Strain Variability .
    (2020) Viruses-Basel 12: 1323
  • Mackulak, T., Medvecka, E., Stanova, A., Brandeburova, P., Grabic, R., Golovko, O., Marton, M., Bodik, I., Medvedova, A., Gal, M., Plany, M., Kromka, A., Spalkova, V., Skulcova, A., Horakova, I. et al.
    Boron doped diamond electrode - The elimination of psychoactive drugs and resistant bacteria from wastewater..
    (2020) VACUUM 171: 108957
  • Majtan, J., Sojka, M., Palenikova, H., Bucekova, M., Majtan, V.
    Vitamin C enhances the antibacterial activity of honey against planktonic and biofilm-embedded bacteria.
    (2020) Molecules 25: 992
  • Mancos, M., Sramkova, Z., Peterkova, D., Vidova, B., Godany, A.
    Functional expression and purification of tailor-made chimeric endolysin with the broad antibacterial spectrum.
    (2020) Biologia 75: 2031-2043
  • Mihalikova, N., Harichova, J., Zamocky, M., Kamlarova, A., Ferianc, P.
    A new type strain of Pseudomonas putida NM-CH-I15-I isolated from a nickel-contaminated soil in southwest Slovakia harbouring the czcA-NM15I resistance determinant.
    (2020) Gen. Physiol. Biophys. 39: 301-318
  • Muchova, K., Chromikova, Z., Barak, I.
    Linking the Peptidoglycan Synthesis Protein Complex with Asymmetric Cell Division during Bacillus subtilis Sporulation.
    (2020) Int J Mol Sci 21: 4513
  • Novakova, S., Subr, Z., Kovac, A., Fialova, I., Beke, G., Danchenko, M.
    Cucumber mosaic virus resistance: Comparative proteomics of contrasting Cucumis sativus cultivars after long-term infection.
    (2020) J. Proteomics 214: 103626
  • Pospisil, J., Vitovska, D., Kofronova, O., Muchova, K., Sanderova, H., Hubalek, M., Sikova, M., Modrak, M., Benada, O., Barak, I., Krasny, L.
    Bacterial nanotubes as a manifestation of cell death.
    (2020) Nat Commun 11: 4963
  • Sevcikova, B., Rezuchova, B., Mingyar, E., Homerova, D., Novakova, R., Feckova, L., Kormanec, J.
    Pleiotropic anti-anti-sigma factor BldG is phosphorylated by several anti-sigma factor kinases in the process of activating multiple sigma factors in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2).
    (2020) Gene 755: 144883
  • Simonovicova, A., Kupka, D., Nosalj, S., Krakova, L., Drahovska, H., Bartova, Z., Vojtkova, H., Boturova , K., Pangallo, D.
    Differences in metabolites production using the Biolog FF Microplate (TM) system with an emphasis on some organic acids of Aspergillus niger wild type strains.
    (2020) Biologia 75: 1537-1546
  • Sobolev, E., Zolotarev, S., Giewekemeyer, K., Bielecki, J., Okamoto, K., Reddy, H., Andreasson, J., Ayyer, K., Barak, I., Bari, S., Barty, A., Bean, R., Bobkov, S., Chapman, H., Chojnowski, G. et al.
    Megahertz single-particle imaging at the European XFEL.
    (2020) Commun. Phys. 3: 97
  • Soltys, K., Plany, M., Biocca, P., Vianello, V., Buckova, M., Puskarova, A., Sclocchi, M.C., Colaizzi, P., Bicchieri, M., Pangallo, D., Pinzari, F.
    Lead soaps formation and biodiversity in a XVIII Century wax seal coloured with minium.
    (2020) Environ. Microbiol 22: 1517-1534
  • Urbancikova, I., Hudackova, D., Majtan, J., Rennerova, Z., Banovcin, P., Jesenak, M.
    Efficacy of pleuran (Beta-Glucan from Pleurotus ostreatus) in the management of herpes simplex virus type 1 infection.
    (2020) Evid.-based Complement Altern. Med. 2020: 8562309
  • Vozarikova, V., Kunova, N., Bauer, J., Frankovsky, J., Kotrasova, V., Prochazkova, K., Dzugasova, V., Kutejova, E., Pevala, V., Nosek, J., Tomaska, L.
    Mitochondrial HMG-Box Containing Proteins: From Biochemical Properties to the Roles in Human Diseases.
    (2020) Biomolecules 10: 1193
  • Wollman, A., Muchova, K., Chromikova, Z., Wilkinson, A.J., Barak, I., Leake, M.
    Single-molecule optical microscopy of protein dynamics and computational analysis of images to determine cell structure development in differentiating Bacillus subtilis.
    (2020) Comp. Struct. Biotechnol. J. 18: 1474-1486
  • Zamocky, M., Kamlarova, A., Maresch, D., Chovanova, K., Harichova, J., Furtmuller, G.
    Hybrid Heme Peroxidases from Rice Blast Fungus Magnaporthe oryzae Involved in Defence against Oxidative Stress.
    (2020) Antioxidants 9: E655