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Časopis Biologia[IF: 1,500]
2025    2024    2023    2022    2021    2020    2019    2018    2017    2016    2015    
  • Beke, G., Stano, M., Klucar, L.
    Modelling the interaction between bacteriophages and their bacterial hosts.
    (2016) Math. Biosci. 279: 27-32
  • Bekeova, C., Rehakova, A., Feckova, L., Vlckova, S., Novakova, R., Mingyar, E., Kormanec, J.
    Characterisation of the genes involved in the biosynthesis and attachment of the aminodeoxysugar D-forosamine in the auricin gene cluster of Streptomyces aureofaciens CCM3239.
    (2016) Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 100(7): 3177-3195
  • Bucekova, M., Majtan, J.
    The MRJP1 honey glycoprotein does not contribute to the overall antibacterial activity of natural honey.
    (2016) Eur. Food Res. Technol. 242: 625-629
  • Chovanova, K., Zamocky, M.
    Detection of the antibacterial effect of Chaetomium cochliodes Palliser CCM F-232 based on agar plugs and unprocessed fungal substances from cultivation media.
    (2016) Biologia 71(11): 1204-1211
  • Farkasovska, J., Godany, A.
    Characterization of the N-Terminal Catalytic Domain of Lyt μ1/6, an Endolysin from Streptomyces aureofaciens Phage μ1/6 .
    (2016) Curr. Microbiol. 73: 602-610
  • Gabrisko, M., Barak, I.
    Evolution of the SpoIISABC Toxin-Antitoxin-Antitoxin System in Bacilli.
    (2016) Toxins 8: 1-16
  • Gasselhuber, B., Graf, M.H., Jakopitsch, C., Zamocky, M., Nicolussi, A., Furtmuller, G., Oostenbrink, C., Carpena, X., Obinger, C.
    Interaction with the redox cofactor MYW and functional role of a mobile arginine in eukaryotic catalase-peroxidase.
    (2016) Biochemistry 55: 3528-3541
  • Godalova, Z., Krakova, L., Puskarova, A., Buckova, M., Kuchta, T., Piknova, L., Pangallo, D.
    Bacterial consortia at different wine fermentation phases of two typical Central European grape varieties: Blaufränkisch (Frankovka modrá) and Grüner Veltliner (Veltlínske zelené).
    (2016) Int. J. Food Microbiol. 217: 110-116
  • Grivalský, T., Buckova, M., Puskarova, A., Krakova, L., Pangallo, D.
    Water-related environments: a multistep procedure to assess the diversity and enzymatic properties of cultivable bacteria.
    (2016) World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 32(3): 42
  • Jamroskovic, J., Chromikova, Z., List, C., Barak, I., Bernier-Latmani, R.
    Variability in DPA and calcium content in the spores of Clostridium species.
    (2016) Front Microbiol 7: 1791
  • Janecek, S., Svensson, B.
    Amylolytic glycoside hydrolases.
    (2016) Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 73: 2601-2602
  • Janecek, S., Gabrisko, M.
    Remarkable evolutionary relatedness among the enzymes and proteins from the alpha-amylase family.
    (2016) Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 73(14): 2707-2725
  • Juhasova, A., Baliova, M., Jursky, F.
    A Dynamic Interaction of Coomassie Dye with the Glycine Transporters N-termini.
    (2016) Protein J. 35: 371-378
  • Kereiche, S., Kovacik, L., Bednar, J., Pevala, V., Kunova, N., Ondrovicova, G., Bauer, J., Ambro, L., Bellova, J., Kutejova, E., Raska, I.
    The N-terminal domain plays a crucial role in the structure of a full-length human mitochondrial Lon protease..
    (2016) Sci Rep 6(33631): 1-10
  • Krakova, L., Pangallo, D., Pieckova, E., Majorosova, M.
    Discriminative potential of some PCR-based and biochemical methods at Scedosporium strains.
    (2016) Fungal Biol. 120: 155-161
  • Krakova, L., Soltys, K., Budis, J., Grivalský, T., Duris, F., Pangallo, D., Szemes, T.
    Investigation of bacterial and archaeal communities: novel protocols using modern sequencing by Illumina MiSeq and traditional DGGE-cloning.
    (2016) Extremophiles 20: 795-808
  • Kuchtova, A., Janecek, S.
    Domain evolution in enzymes of the neopullulanase subfamily.
    (2016) Microbiology-(UK) 162(12): 2099-2115
  • Liu, B., Yoshinaga, K., Wu, J.H., Chen, W.Y., Terashima, M., Goel, R., Pangallo, D., Yasui, H.
    Kinetic analysis of biological degradation for tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) in the anaerobic activated sludge system at ambient temperature.
    (2016) Biochem. Eng. J. 114: 42-49
  • Liu, H., Qiao, H., Krajcikova, D., Zhang, Z., Wang, H., Barak, I., Tang, J.
    Physical interaction and assembly of Bacillus subtilis spore coat proteins CotE and CotZ studied by atomic force microscopy.
    (2016) J. Struct. Biol. 195: 245-251
  • Liu, H., Krajcikova, D., Wang, N., Zhang, Z., Wang, H., Barak, I., Tang, J.
    Forces and Kinetics of the Bacillus subtilis Spore Coat Proteins CotY and CotX Binding to CotE Inspected by Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy.
    (2016) J. Phys. Chem. B 120: 1041-1047
  • Machacek, C., Supper, V., Leksa, V., Mitulovic, G., Spittler, A., Drbal, K., Suchanek, M., Ohradanova-Repic, A., Stockinger, H.
    Folate Receptor ? Regulates Integrin CD11b/CD18 Adhesion of a Macrophage Subset to Collagen.
    (2016) J. Immunol. 197(&): 2229-2238
  • Majtanova, N., Cernak, M., Majtan, J.
    Honey: a natural remedy for eye diseases.
    (2016) Forsch. 23: 364-369
  • Makroczyova, J., Jamroskovic, J., Krascsenitsova, E., Labajova, N., Barak, I.
    Oscillating behavior of Clostridium difficile Min proteins in Bacillus subtilis.
    (2016) MicrobiologyOpen 5: 387-401
  • Malcova, I., Farkasovsky, M., Senohrabkova, L., Vasicova, P., Hasek, J.
    New integrative modules for multicolor-protein labeling and live-cell imaging in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
    (2016) FEMS Yeast Res. 16: fow027
  • Muchova, K., Chromikova, Z., Bradshaw, N., Wilkinson, A.J., Barak, I.
    Morphogenic Protein RodZ Interacts with Sporulation Specific SpoIIE in Bacillus subtilis.
    (2016) PLoS One 11: 1-21
  • Pevala, V., Truban, D., Bauer, J., Kostan, J., Kunova, N., Bellova, J., Brandstetter, M., Marini, V., Krejci, L., Tomaska, L., Nosek, J., Kutejova, E.
    The structure and DNA-binding properties of Mgm101 from a yeast with a linear mitochondrial genome.
    (2016) Nucleic Acids Res. 44(5): 2227-2239
  • Plany, M., Kuchta, T., Soltys, K., Szemes, T., Pangallo, D., Siekel, P.
    Metagenomic Analysis of Slovak Bryndza Cheese Using Next-Generation 16S rDNA Amplicon Sequencing.
    (2016) Nova Biotechnologica 15: 23-34
  • Puskarova, A., Buckova, M., Habalova, B., Krakova, L., Makova, A., Pangallo, D.
    Microbial communities affecting albumen photography heritage: a methodological survey.
    (2016) Sci Rep 6(20810): 1-14
  • Sadecka, J., Sakova, N., Pangallo, D., Korenova, J., Kolek, E., Puskarova, A., Buckova, M., Valik, L., Kuchta, T.
    Microbial diversity and volatile odour-active compounds of barrelled ewes' cheese as an intermediate product that determines the quality of winter bryndza cheese.
    (2016) LWT-Food Sci. Technol. 70: 237-244
  • Simonovicova, A., Petkova, K., Jurkovic, L., Ferianc, P., Vojtkova, H., Remenar, M., Krakova, L., Pangallo, D., Hiller, R., Cernansky, S.
    Autochthonous Microbiota in Arsenic-Bearing Technosols from Zemianske Kostoľany (Slovakia) and Its Potential for Bioleaching and Biovolatilization of Arsenic.
    (2016) Water Air Soil Pollut. 227(336): 1-17
  • Sojka, M., Valachova, I., Bucekova, M., Majtan, J.
    Antibiofilm efficacy of honey and bee-derived defensin-1 on multi-species wound biofilm.
    (2016) J. Med. Microbiol. 65: 337-344
  • Spalkova, V., Lazor, M., Smolinska, M., Takacova, A., Hutnan, M., Bodik, I., Ryba, J., Gal, M., Zemlicka, L., Pangallo, D., Mackulak, T.
    Enhanced hydrogen bioproduction from bird-cherry leaves using enzyme mixture.
    (2016) Monatsh. Chem. 147: 201-206
  • Sramkova, Z., Vidova, B., Godany, A.
    Improved multiplex polymerase chain reaction for rapid Staphylococcus aureus detection in meat and milk matrices.
    (2016) Nova Biotechnologica 15(1): 65-76
  • Stano, M., Beke, G., Klucar, L.
    viruSITE-integrated database for viral genomics.
    (2016) Database 2016: baw162
  • Stramova, Z., Remenar, M., Javorsky, P., Pristas, P.
    Heterotrophic microflora of highly alkaline (pH?>?13) brown mud disposal site drainage water near Ziar nad Hronom (Banska Bystrica region, Slovakia)..
    (2016) Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 23(5): 4199-4206
  • Supper, V., Schiller, H.B., Paster, W., Forster, F., Boulegue, C., Mitulovic, G., Leksa, V., Ohradanova-Repic, A., Machacek, C., Schatzlmaier, P., Zlabinger, G.J., Stockinger, H.
    Association of CD147 and Calcium Exporter PMCA4 Uncouples IL-2 Expression from Early TCR Signaling.
    (2016) J. Immunol. 196(3): 1387-1399
  • Urzí, C., De Leo, F., Krakova, L., Pangallo, D., Bruno, L.
    Effects of biocide treatments on the biofilm community in Domitilla's catacombs in Rome.
    (2016) Sci. Total Environ. 572: 252-262
  • Valachova, I., Bucekova, M., Majtan, J.
    Quantification of bee-derived peptide defensin-1 in honey by competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, a new approach in honey quality control.
    (2016) Czech. J. Food Sci. 34(3): 233-243
  • Wang, G., Bao, M., Zhang, X., Majtan, J., Chen, K.
    Th17 cytokines and barrier functions.
    (2016) Mediat. Inflamm. 2016: 1-2
  • Zamocky, M., Tafer, H., Chovanova, K., Lopandic, K., Kamlarova, A., Obinger, C.
    Genome sequence of the filamentous soil fungus Chaetomium cochliodes reveals abundance of genes for heme enzymes from all peroxidase and catalase superfamilies.
    (2016) BMC Genomics 17: 763