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Časopis Biologia[IF: 1,500]
2025    2024    2023    2022    2021    2020    2019    2018    2017    2016    2015    
  • Baliova, M., Juhasova, A., Jursky, F.
    The elution of certain protein affinity tags with millimolar concentrations of diclofenac.
    (2015) J. Chromatogr. B 1006: 187-193
  • Caridi, A., Sidari, R., Krakova, L., Kuchta, T., Pangallo, D.
    Assessment of color adsorption by yeast using Grape Skin Agar and impact on red wine color.
    (2015) J. Int. Sci. Vigne Vin 49: 195-203
  • Gabrisko, M., Janecek, S.
    Novel family GH3 beta-glucosidases or beta-xylosidases of unknown function found in various animal groups, including birds and reptiles.
    (2015) Carbohydr. Res. 408: 44-50
  • Gasselhuber, B., Carpena, X., Graf, M.H., Pirker, K.F., Nicolussi, A., Sundermann, A., Hofbauer, S., Zamocky, M., Furtmuller, P.G., Jakopitsch, C., Oostenbrink, C., Fita, I., Obinger, C.
    Eukaryotic Catalase-Peroxidase: The Role of the Trp-Tyr-Met Adduct in Protein Stability, Substrate Accessibility, and Catalysis of Hydrogen Peroxide Dismutation.
    (2015) Biochemistry 54: 5425-5438
  • Glorieux, C., Zamocky, M., Sandoval, J.M., Verrax, J., Buc-Calderon, P.
    Regulation of catalase expression in healthy and cancerous cells.
    (2015) Free Radic. Biol. Med. 87: 84-97
  • Halgasova, N., Solteszova, B., Pevala, V., Kostan, J., Kutejova, E., Bukovska, G.
    A RepA-like protein from bacteriophage BFK20 is a multifunctional protein with primase, polymerase, NTPase and helicase activities.
    (2015) Virus Res. 210: 178-187
  • Jamrichova, D., Godany, A., Urbanikova, L.
    Optimization of expression conditions of the acetylesterase CE16 from Hypocrea jecorina encoded by a synthetic gene and expressed in Escherichia coli cells.
    (2015) Nova Biotechnologica 14(2): 201-211
  • Janecek, S., Kuchtova, A., Petrovicova, S.
    A novel GH13 subfamily of alpha-amylases with a pair of tryptophans in the helix alpha3 of the catalytic TIM-barrel, the LPDlx signature in the conserved sequence region V and a conserved aromatic motif at the C-terminus.
    (2015) Biologia 70(10): 1284-1294
  • Jiang, S., Wan, Q., Krajcikova, D., Tang, J., Tzokov, S.B., Barak, I., Bullough, P.A.
    Diverse supramolecular structures formed by self-assembling proteins of the Bacillus subtilis spore coat.
    (2015) Mol. Microbiol. 97: 347-359
  • Jursky, F., Baliova, M., Juhasova, A.
    Structural insights into the benzophenanthridines binding to human glycine transporter GlyT1.
    (2015) Eur. J. Pharmacol. 765: 1-6
  • Knirschova, R., Novakova, R., Mingyar, E., Bekeova, C., Homerova, D., Kormanec, J.
    Utilization of a reporter system based on the blue pigment indigoidine biosynthetic gene bpsA for detection of promoter activity and deletion of genes in Streptomyces.
    (2015) J. Microbiol. Methods 113: 1-3
  • Krakova, L., De Leo, F., Bruno, L., Pangallo, D., Urzí, C.
    Complex bacterial diversity in the white biofilms of the Catacombs of St. Callixtus in Rome evidenced by different investigation strategies.
    (2015) Environ. Microbiol 17: 1738-1752
  • Kuchtova, A., Janecek, S.
    In silico analysis of family GH77 with focus on amylomaltases from borreliae and disproportionating enzymes DPE2 from plants and bacteria.
    (2015) BBA-Proteins Proteomics 1854: 1260-1268
  • Liu, H., Krajcikova, D., Zhang, Z., Wang, H., Barak, I., Tang, J.
    Investigating interactions of the Bacillus subtilis spore coat proteins CotY and CotZ using single molecule force spectroscopy.
    (2015) J. Struct. Biol. 192: 14-20
  • Medema, M.H., Kormanec, J. et al.
    Minimum information about a biosynthetic gene cluster.
    (2015) Nat Chem Biol 11(9): 625-631
  • Melnicakova, J., Becarova, Z., Makroczyova, J., Barak, I.
    Analysis of the Bacillus cereus SpoIIS antitoxin-toxin system reveals its three-component nature.
    (2015) Front Microbiol 6(808): 1-11
  • Mingyar, E., Feckova, L., Novakova, R., Bekeova, C., Kormanec, J.
    A gamma-butyrolactone autoregulator-receptor system involved in the regulation of auricin production in Streptomyces aureofaciens CCM 3239.
    (2015) Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 99(1): 309-325
  • Pangallo, D., Buckova, M., Krakova, L., Puskarova, A., Sakova, N., Grivalský, T., Chovanova, K., Zemankova, M.
    Biodeterioration of epoxy resin: a microbial survey through culture‐independent and culture‐dependent approaches.
    (2015) Environ. Microbiol 17: 462-479
  • Patasi, C., Godocikova, J., Michlikova, S., Nie, Y., Kacerikova, R., Kvalova, K., Raunser, S., Farkasovsky, M.
    The role of Bni5 in the regulation of septin higher-order structure formation.
    (2015) Biol. Chem. 396(12): 1325-1337
  • Remenar, M., Karelova, E., Harichova, J., Zamocky, M., Kamlarova, A., Ferianc, P.
    Isolation of previously uncultivable bacteria from a nickel contaminated soil using a diffusion-chamber-based approach.
    (2015) Appl. Soil Ecol 95: 115-127
  • Sakova, N., Olejníkova, P., Kalinakova, B., Pangallo, D., Lakatos, B., Nagyova, K., Valachovicova, M., Birosova, L.
    Comparative study of adult Slovak vegetarians and meat-eaters gut microbiota.
    (2015) J. Food Nutr. Res 54: 260-269
  • Sakova, N., Sadecka, J., Lejkova, J., Puskarova, A., Korenova, J., Kolek, E., Valik, L., Kuchta, T., Pangallo, D.
    Characterization of May bryndza cheese from various regions in Slovakia based on microbiological, molecular and principal volatile odorants examination.
    (2015) J. Food Nutr. Res 54: 239-251
  • Schilter, H., Cantemir-Stone, C.Z., Leksa, V., Ohradanova-Repic, A., Findlay, A.D., Deodhar, M., Stockinger, H., Song, X., Molloy, M., Marsh, C.B., Jarolimek, W.
    The mannose-6-phosphate analogue, PXS64, inhibits fibrosis via TGF-beta1 pathway in human lung fibroblasts.
    (2015) Immunol. Lett. 2(165): 90-101
  • Simonovicova, A., Krakova, L., Pangallo, D., Majorosova, M., Pieckova, E., Bodorikova, S., Dornhoferova, M.
    Fungi on mummified human remains and in the indoor air in the Kuffner family crypt in Sládkovičovo (Slovakia).
    (2015) Int. Biodeterior. Biodegrad. 99: 157-164
  • Solteszova, B., Halgasova, N., Bukovska, G.
    Interaction between phage BFK20 helicase gp41 and its host Brevibacterium flavum primase DnaG.
    (2015) Virus Res. 196: 150-156
  • Ugorcakova, J., Medzova, L., Solteszova, B., Bukovska, G.
    Characterization of a phiBP endolysin encoded by the Paenibacillus polymyxa CCM 7400 phage.
    (2015) FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 362(fnv098): 1-9
  • Zamocky, M., Hofbauer, S., Schaffner, I., Gasselhuber, B., Nicolussi, A., Soudi, M., Pirker, K.F., Furtmuller, P.G., Obinger, C.
    Independent evolution of four heme peroxidase superfamilies .
    (2015) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 574: 108-119